We went to the Christmas Show at the Alabama Theatre on Wednesday night. It was a superb performance by a very multi-talented cast. Some of the numbers they did just wowed me, particularly an instrumental done in the dark with all these flashing lights that kept time with the music.
Some of the cast on stage together.
This very talented woman did alot of the lead singing for the women. She is probably the best singer I've ever heard live. I was going to have my pic taken with her and my camera died. :(
So we set out to do something different for Thanksgiving, and then it didn't feel like Thanksgiving at all. It's weird to go for years to the same spot during Spring or Summer, then show up there at Christmas time. It's like being in a time warp. All of a sudden instead of seeing this:
You see this....
Or instead of sitting on the beach reading while people around you boogie board in the ocean, walk, or play ball......
You are on that beach reading, all by yourself...literally...
I did not know that no one in Myrtle Beach cooks dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Every place we went was packed to the sidewalk with crowds of people waiting to be fed. We ended up eating here:
They did have turkey and stuffing, along with egg rolls, chow mein noodles, crab imperial, crab rangoon and prime rib. By the time we stumbled out of there into the dark, we didn't know what day, month, or holiday it was.
But nothing during the trip prepared me for what I would see on the way home. See, we now store our travel trailer in Myrtle Beach because our camper doesn't like to travel (I think it believes "Travel Trailer" is its' name). It just became too stressful trying to drag it, unwillingly, up and down Interstate 95. After every trip we had to take it to the RV Hospital for treatment, sometimes major surgery. Now we show up and it's already there waiting for us, and when we leave it behind, somehow the company that is storing it hitches it up and drags it back to their facility. When we left yesterday Bill glanced in his rearview mirror, and guess what was passing us in the left lane? Our Trailer!
The darn thing was rolling down the highway like a kid on roller skates.
When I looked over, I give you my word, the trailer was laughing at us.
It gave us a wink, and disappeared out of site. What a brat.....
So, it was good trip, albeit a quick one, but not a traditional Thanksgiving holiday. I'm glad we took the trip. However, I learned that I prefer a Thanksgiving with my family gathered around my own table. I just love the food and conversation, and the game of Taboo we always play. So.......
Until next Spring, this beautiful ocean view will have to wait. I'm home for the holidays!
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