Sunday, January 10, 2010

Adventures in Knitting-Post 3

Julie and I have been knitting, making the most of opportunities to sit down and make gifts for Christmas presents. We had plans to knit scarves, wraps, and hats for gifts. Now neither one of us had ever knitted those before, but with the help of some informative books, youtube, and determination, it was possible. Here is what I've knitted since Fall, and the few things that Julie managed to knit and crochet in the last few months.

The red scarf I knitted for myself the very first week I began to knit. It's a dream at catching leaves, and all sorts of debris. The black one I knitted for Billy as a Christmas present. Julie finally finished it for me before the New Year.

This pile doesn't include everything the human knitting machine (aka Julie)accomplished. There are four scarves and another hat missing. She did two blankets for Cassidy, all those scarves, and two hats. Each one is a different pattern, and several different yarns. She crocheted the two hats in the same evening, without even knowing what she was really doing. The one with the pink ribbon is my favorite.

We each got some bulky alpaca yarn for Christmas. Julie knitted the purple multi-colored scarf in a couple of days. I knitted the mauve colored scrap in a week. It was the hardest yarn to knit. Sort of like trying to knit poodle fur, while still attached to the dog.

These are two projects I still have on the needles. The blue one is a 100% baby alpaca wrap. I started knitting it in October. It should be finished in a couple of years if I work on it everyday. The red scarf is knitted in an alpaca and silk blend. The pattern is one Julie taught me. I've been knitting it for a month, so I'm not doing too bad with it.

This is a scarf Julie is working on. It's a raspberry puff pattern and looks very neat and clean. She's been working on it for a week. It's taking longer than usual, but she started working a job outside the home last week. A few steady hours at it, and it will be around someone's neck.

Hope you've enjoyed our knitting experiences. I'll be blogging in the future about more new and exciting projects that Julie does......and perhaps something from me. :)

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