After Nadine and I left the Hot Springs, we spent the night in Osoyoos, Canada.
Somewhere down there is our hotel room......
It was a really charming resort town. I was now getting used to Canada sporting a nice desert look, instead of the majestic Canadian Rockies. Each is beautiful in it's own way.
When I woke up the next morning, this was the view from our balcony.
It was so beautiful and peaceful. Plus there were only five guests in the whole hotel, so our late night partying didn't bother the other hotel guests like it did in'll have to ask Nadine about that.
We left Osoyoos around noon to head back to Langley. As we drove through Oliver, I realized we were driving through the wine capital of British Columbia. It is also an area that grows many kinds of fruit, but grapes are my favorite...
One thing I noticed is that when someone planted an orchard, they planted on the ground that is considered the "Front yard." Why waste the open space that could be another 20 or 30 trees? So they planted trees practically to their front door.
There is a house behind those trees...
On we drove, past beautiful lakes...
Desert terrain...
And snow capped mountains...
To finally arrive back at Nadine's home in Langley.
But we wouldn't be staying long. The next day we were off to Victoria, the Capital city of British Columbia.
To be continued.....
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