We made a quick stop at Lake Minnewanka. Gorgeous!!
As we drove towards Ainsworth, it was evident that winter had already arrived.
Here is one of the many sites that mark the Continental Divide...
But before I started feeling anxiety about being behind in my Christmas shopping, the landscape once again turned to Autumn.
We stopped along the way to view the great Columbia River.
The sun was setting behind the mountains before we arrived at the ferry to cross over to Ainsworth.
Alas, we missed the ferry by only 4 minutes and had to wait 1 hour and 40 minutes for the next one. We were the only ones in a dark parking lot. Now being from a metropolitan area, I'm looking over my shoulder every few minutes anticipating a car-jacking or robbery. I never expected Nadine to say, "There is a coyote beside the car. No, it's too big, it's a wolf." What???? I look and see something the size of Cujo running towards the treeline. The unexpected is sometimes worse than the expected. Thankfully the wolf found fresh meat elsewhere and never returned.
The next morning I saw this view when I looked outside my hotel window...
And I ate this delicious breakfast...
The Hot Springs consisted of a large pool heated to 97 degrees...
A plunge pool that was 32 degrees...it took my breath away...
And a cave and pool that was somewhere between 104 and 108 degrees.
It was a relaxing and interesting experience. My muscles never felt better.
But it was time to move on. The time had come to once again watch the landscape of Canada change as we headed towards Osoyoos, Canada...
But first I sat on a moose.
And so did Nadine.
Never be too old to do something silly........
To be continued......
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