But I wasn't here for that. I was in North Carolina visiting my mother who is ill. I was there for 3 days before the weatherman realized I was down south and brought the cold, rainy weather there. But those three days were glorious, weather wise.
What a beautiful site! It was about 80 degrees outside. I'd forgotten what sunlight felt like on my skin! I took long walks in the morning, and all the trees, azaleas, and flowers were in bloom!
I'd almost forgotten that trees are suppose to have green leaves on them...
This is my great-nephew, Aaden. He turned 2 years old while I was there. Oh, to have the energy of a 2 year old again!
My niece Mary, (Aaden's Mommy), is a wonderful hostess. She made sure that dinner was made every night for the out-of-towners. This is the baked ziti she made...one of my favorite meals.
On the last warm evening there, my brother John and his wife Georgia had us over for a cook-out. There is just something special about that first cook-out, after a long, winter. The food was fantastic, and their hospitality was much appreciated.
Yesterday my "Baby" turned 16 years old. Where did the time go??? His sisters came and took him out to dinner. It was one of the rare times he gets to be the center of attention. It's hard to compete with three females for center stage!
He was more thrilled than he looks...I think...
I hadn't seen my daughter Susan since January when she moved a couple of hours away. She has been adhering to a vegan lifestyle since August, and she looks fantastic!
We are heading to the Shenandoah Valley this weekend for a short trip. Have a great weekend!
So I was looking through your blog and I think this is as close to a before picture as I can get http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LQ6_QPCKnvU/S1or6t3EQYI/AAAAAAAAANk/anhBGpaQPH0/s1600-h/092.JPG. I can't believe I was that swollen!