It should be easy enough...just wash IT down after a long winter.
Generally, dewinterizing IT, is not complicated. But IT made it a half-day ordeal when a pipe leaked for no known reason...(IT shuttered with pleasure at Bill's aggravation).
Squirting grease into the wheels made the driveway look like the floor of an ER after a major trauma victim. (IT trembled with glee).
But, the next morning IT was all hitched up and away they went. Just to knock Bill off his game, (or give him hope), IT pulled like a champ. There was no bucking, squealing, smoke, or broken axles. However, Bill knew deep in his heart that IT would require sweat labor before the vacation was over.
However, Bill was thankful It let him live during the drive South, and sleep was sweet that night. The next morning when Bill opened the door he saw the RV of his dreams...
It was his ideal camper...compact, riveted aluminum sides, and only one small window to caulk. Surely something this sweet would let him enjoy his vacations...
Each day Bill toiled away on the menacing, hulking beast that had become his worst nightmare. He knew that even with constant attention IT would still drain his bank account. Past history doesn't lie.....
His chair sat lonely at the beach...
While the little camper beside him smiled and sweetly charmed Bill with her softly curving body, and shiny, clean lines...
Lonely, Bill's chair sought out the company of another lonely chair on the beach.
The week slowly passed, with Bill spending much of his time on the ladder, caulking windows, sealing seams, and hoping that it would be enough to satisfy IT's appetite for Bill's misery...
Finally, it was time to pack up and go home. IT was closed up, double-checked, and triple-checked. As we drove down the highway, IT raced past us, mocking us with it's greased wheels and spanking new caulking.
And just for fun, IT blew the cap off of the freshwater tank...just to drive Bill insane one more time...:)
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