Wow, I turned 50 years old on August 31st. I'm too honest to lie about my age. At least I haven't lied yet. It's hard to believe that much time has gone by because I still feel so young inside my mind. Very juvenile most times. But I have a few observations about turning half a century old......
1. Time on this earth is not forever. Life really is a vapor.
2. Don't waste precious time on relationships that are shallow.
3. If you really want it, and can buy it, do it.
4. Walk as often and as far as possible.
5. Food is your friend. Don't abuse that friendship.
6. Family is the most important relationship you will have, next to God.
7. Own a really good dog... at least will enrich your life.
8. Don't keep a dog that is not a good one. Life is too short.
9. Grandchildren are the reward for surviving parenthood.
10. Take moment each day to thank God for loving you enough to send His Son to
die for you.
Nothing else really matters. Life is so short. You hear that your whole life, but suddenly you realize how short it really is. My father only lived 6 years beyond beloved mother-in-law only lived 11 more months. I may only live another hour. It doesn't matter because for all of eternity I know where I'll be. But life is truly a gift not to be wasted. If you learn that early, imagine how wonderful your life will be?
But I can be distracted by wants, and not just needs. I never want to be that person who resents things that are not "a need." Here is what Bill gave me for my birthday. This is a "two-part" ring. The center diamond he gave me for our 30th wedding anniversary.

My daughter Julie made these cake balls for me. There was devil's food and red velvet. If you've never had one, you are missing a real treat.

The sweetest girl who ever lived. She was so excited that it was my birthday. Aren't kids wonderful? They don't care whose party it is, the fact that there is a party is enough for them.

Susan took me out for mexican food and bought me "Mastering the Art of French Cooking.". Melissa, Tommy, and Billy all gave me Bath & Bodyworks gifts. All of my family truly blessed me that day with their presence. I wish I could take that day, put it in a bottle, and open it up from time to time to enjoy it again and again. Come to think of it, I think that's called a memory.....