Is there anything more beautiful than a full moon over an ocean?? Well perhaps a sunrise over the Atlantic is more beautiful, but that's too early for me to snap a pic.
This was Bill's dragon kite. It actually wiggled it's hind end while in the air.
We had a great location for our RV. We were only three sites from the ocean. It was a total of 40 steps to the beach. I counted............
The view from our bedroom window. Does it get any better than this???
This is actually not a posed pic. They were playing football, and I have no idea what caught their attention.
The relaxed face of a middle aged grandma........
My two favorite guys in front of our favorite restaurant. Bill looks sort a stunned, but Billy is happy :)
My man howling at the full moon.
What a great trip we had. We were home one day and we were back to teaching the locals how to save lives with CPR. Billy starts to school on Monday, and semester classes start the following week. The summer is over. I am sad............
Looks like you had a lovely vacation! I like that picture of dad at the moon.